Ennio Morricone has died
today. I´ve written about him on this blog on several occasions so I just want
to draw your attention to those posts where I made clear my admiration for the
maestro, one of the best composers in the history of cinema together with John
Williams. By the way, both of them had recently been chosen to be presented
with the Princess of Asturias award for the Arts 2020 and they were expected to
receive the award in the ceremony which will be held in Oviedo next October.
I heard Ennio Morricone
explain that his favorite film score was that of The Good, the Ugly and the Bad and you can listen to it on my
post “Happy Birthday, Ennio!” (10th November 2019). On the post “We are not dreaming in gold” (23rd
March 2016) you can learn a bit more about this wonderful musician.
Here, you can watch a short
video that I have borrowed from the digital version of the British newspaper The Guardian so that you can listen to
the maestro himself explain just a few things about his music. All cinema lovers
will miss him and his music, all music lovers will miss him and his music:
goodbye Ennio Morricone!!
Let me finish by recommending
reading the post that I wrote when another wonderful film composer – James Horner
– died: “The Sound of Music” (24th June 2015). I could explain the
importance of film composers again and I may be wrong but I can´t help feeling that
that post is one of my most inspired ones.