The creation of this blog has coincided more or
less with the 85th Oscar Awards ceremony in Los Angeles, that´s why I have thought that
it would be a good idea to comment on this ceremony as well as our Spanish
equivalent (Goya Awards ceremony).
It doesn´t matter whether you are a film buff or not, the Oscar Awards Ceremony
is a frequent topic for most of us when we´re having a chat with our friends,
partners, colleagues or school-mates.
What´s your opinion about this year´s ceremony? What was it like?
Even if you didn’t manage to watch it on TV, I
guess you learnt about it on the radio or you read something about it in the
newspapers, on the Internet (online newspapers, Twitter, Facebook …) or
I´ve gathered information about it via
different sources and I´d love to share some bits with you.
First of
all, this is the host of
the ceremony: Seth MacFarlane.

Does the name ring a bell? Does his face sound
familiar to you? I must say that I didn´t recognise him when I saw the photos,
however, his name does sound familiar to me: Seth MacFarlane is the creator of
Family Guy, a very popular American
animated sitcom. Apparently, MacFarlane was chosen to host the ceremony because
of his ability to make the ceremony appeal to a younger audience. As time goes
by, it´s becoming more and more difficult to choose the “right” person, that
is, the person who is capable of boosting the audience figures, because, after
all, this a business – the show business – an industry and as such it must be
profitable. As viewers, we often care about films as long as they are able to
move us, to change our lives even over a brief period of time: the time we
spend in the cinema or in front of our TV set or – let´s face it – our computer
but the people who earn a living by making films have other aspirations and the
financial ones are among them.
All in all, Seth MacFarlane could be depicted
as a comedian whose jokes were full of “borderline- offensive irreverence”.
“Inappropriate” or “non-politically correct” are also some of the adjectives
that have been used to describe Seth´s approach during the Academy Awards
ceremony, which has clearly divided critical opinion.
There are other hosts who are well-known because they have been in charge of the ceremony on
more than one occasion: Billy Crystal, Steve Martin, Whoopi Goldberg – in this
case we have to use the term hostess
– and Bob Hope. My question is:
Which one holds the
record of hosting the
ceremony the highest number of times? Think about it and I´ll tell you the answer
shortly, we´ll see if you were right.