The creation of this blog has coincided more or
less with the 85th Oscar Awards ceremony in Los Angeles, that´s why I have thought that
it would be a good idea to comment on this ceremony as well as our Spanish
equivalent (Goya Awards ceremony).
It doesn´t matter whether you are a film buff or not, the Oscar Awards Ceremony
is a frequent topic for most of us when we´re having a chat with our friends,
partners, colleagues or school-mates.
What´s your opinion about this year´s ceremony? What was it like?
Even if you didn’t manage to watch it on TV, I
guess you learnt about it on the radio or you read something about it in the
newspapers, on the Internet (online newspapers, Twitter, Facebook …) or
I´ve gathered information about it via
different sources and I´d love to share some bits with you.
First of
all, this is the host of
the ceremony: Seth MacFarlane.
Does the name ring a bell? Does his face sound
familiar to you? I must say that I didn´t recognise him when I saw the photos,
however, his name does sound familiar to me: Seth MacFarlane is the creator of
Family Guy, a very popular American
animated sitcom. Apparently, MacFarlane was chosen to host the ceremony because
of his ability to make the ceremony appeal to a younger audience. As time goes
by, it´s becoming more and more difficult to choose the “right” person, that
is, the person who is capable of boosting the audience figures, because, after
all, this a business – the show business – an industry and as such it must be
profitable. As viewers, we often care about films as long as they are able to
move us, to change our lives even over a brief period of time: the time we
spend in the cinema or in front of our TV set or – let´s face it – our computer
but the people who earn a living by making films have other aspirations and the
financial ones are among them.
All in all, Seth MacFarlane could be depicted
as a comedian whose jokes were full of “borderline- offensive irreverence”.
“Inappropriate” or “non-politically correct” are also some of the adjectives
that have been used to describe Seth´s approach during the Academy Awards
ceremony, which has clearly divided critical opinion.
There are other hosts who are well-known because they have been in charge of the ceremony on
more than one occasion: Billy Crystal, Steve Martin, Whoopi Goldberg – in this
case we have to use the term hostess
– and Bob Hope. My question is:
Which one holds the
record of hosting the
ceremony the highest number of times? Think about it and I´ll tell you the answer
shortly, we´ll see if you were right.
Hi Marga!
ResponderEliminarCon este artículo, además de aprender nuevos vocablos y expresiones, he ampliado mi conocimiento sobre la gala de los Oscar. Cuando era pequeña y ésta se emitía en abierto, me encantaba verla: la alfombra roja con todos los actores y actrices luciendo los modelos más exclusivos, la entrega de los premios, conocer la mejor película... un año conseguí pasar toda la noche en vela. Qué tiempos! Sin embargo, no ha sido hasta ahora cuando he descubierto con sorpresa que un actor totalmente desconocido para mí, Bob Hope, presentó la gala en 18 ocasiones!! Ante mi descubrimiento, me interesé por su biografía y me sorprendió aún más que su centenario (29 de mayo de 2003)fuese declarado el Día de Bob Hope en 35 estados de Estados Unidos. A ver si tengo la oportunidad de ver alguna de sus películas, seguro que merece la pena.